Saturday, March 26, 2011

a 'fun' random 10 things post!

sorry guys that its been a little busy & the blog has been suffering from ALOT of neglect lately!!

here's a more entertaining blogpost by followed by a few snapshots from a few weeks ago so that its not COMPLETELY bare!
10 RANDOM THINGS ABOUT ME!! {inspired by a blogpost i saw on Brittany Esther Photography -which i found hugely entertaining! i hope that mine can do hers justice}

1-i am a huge tolkien geek, i have seen the extended editions of Lord Of The Rings at least 15 times (each). whenever i am watching the additional features and see the 'tolkien linguists' i think that would be the coolest job EVER!!

JRR Tolkien is a man who if he were still alive-i would love to talk to him ALL day and pick at his brain!!
if i weren't going into journalism and photography, and the possibilities of me ACTUALLY having that kind of job, being a 'tolkien linguist/theologist'-*hmmmm* lol

2-i am and forever will be a huge fan of musicals, if you cannot stand a person who quotes movies dramatically then DO NOT [EMPHASIS on the DO NOT!] watch any of the following movies with me if you can't stand anyone who giggles/quotes lines/bursts out in song/occasionaly cries during the sad part

3-as a child, most children hated their vegetables. i am one of the 'odd ones' who actually liked vegetables and ate them.

4-i often tell people that i have a food allergy to chees whiz and olives because how they are made/processed, grosses me out TREMENDOUSLY.

5-i am a work-o-holoic, i spend all my time at the coffee shop or at home editing, or out taking scenery photos. i love to capture and savour every single moment and i cant STAND being stuck in my house. i love to get out in the open with my camera in my hand attached to my hip and thats why i love photography!

i cant stand being bored/doing nothing and always being in my house, it makes me VERY antsy-this is partially why winter in alberta when its too cold to do anything is one of my least favorite seasons!

6-in school, i have always had very bad experiences with my art teachers (art was always mandatory in the schools i went to). i would always try to negotiate with them and say   'look.. i cannot draw-im too much of a perfectionist too paint, can i take a photo instead?' they never felt the same and interpreted it as lazyness/ignorance. go figure, look at where i am now =]

7-i have never been able to draw/paint/play guitar-i just cannot do it, but i have always had PHENOMENAL respect and envy/appreciation for those who can do it though.

8-one of the photographic 'bucket lists' i have and things i really want to do in my career is, i would LOVE to do one day is to photograph a birth, or to hide in the bushes and photograph a 'live proposal'
for the people involved behind those it would be SO incredible years down the line to watch the slideshow and see the momentum of leading up to that incredible moment!! =]
[also one day-attend a newborn posing workshop!]

9-i have always loved to cook, and loved to bake. i love seeing some HUGE complicated baking recipe like this. 
a recipe that is REALLY complicated with lots of different parts and tackle it all in  one day, and at the end of the day eat it all up and embrace the end of your hard day's work and say "i did this all by myself and ALL of it is homemade, and its DELICIOUS!" seeing something like that makes me really excited-and its something to bless other people with.

for some people, it would drive them nuts and make them go insane-but i THRIVE off of situations like that and being creative/in the moment :)

10-i wish one day to invest in an old film SLR camera, the idea of having to actually do everything yourself for a shoot interests me. some photographers who use just film, it really showcases their talent and that the talent is within them and NOT within their fancy camera where everything is digital. a photographer who really inspires me is Brittany Staddon of Brittany Esther Photography {check out her site here}
She recently attended WPPI, and left her digital camera body at home and decided to shoot everything COMPLETELY with her antique film SLR! she is a few years older than i am and it really goes to show you that it is NOT the camera that makes the photo, it is the artist behind it.. [her blog is actually where i got the idea to do the '20 things about me' post from-hers was very entertaining! i hope i can do hers justice :)]

here are a few shots i took a few weeks ago! so that this post isnt completely bare :)

hope you guys have a blessed week!!


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